Finncon Info Programme In Finnish In Swedish


Finncon wants you (and all your sf-friends)

Finncon X- Eurocon 2003 is looking for agents!

Agents are people who represent an sf-con in their own country. They help to spread the news about the upcoming con, answer questions about the con and generally try to get as many local fans to travel to the con as possible.

For now Finncon X - Eurocon 2003 has the following agents in the following countries:

As you see we are still looking for people to spread the word about Finncon X - Eurocon 2003 in several countries. Would you be interested in becoming an agent for Finncon X - Eurocon 2003, or do you know someone who might be the perfect Finncon-agent? In that case, e-mail

What does an agent do?

We are determined to make Finncon X the most international Finncon yet. To achieve our goal we need agents all across Europe (and the rest of the globe). The con will have no entrance fee, so the agents will not need to collect fees or keep lists of paid memberships. Spreading the word (and the occasional poster or leaflet) is enough.

Examples of what an agent might do:

  • e-mail information about the con to science fiction-, fantasy- or anime-mailinglists
  • post information about the con on science fiction-, fantasy- or anime-newsgroups or web-boards
  • try to get people to put the Finncon-banner on their web pages
  • send information about the con to local magazines and fanzines
  • spread leaflets and/or posters at local cons or other fan gatherings

As Finncon is a labour of love no one gets payed for working for Finncon. This goes for everyone on the con committee, all the GoHs and of course for agents too. So, you won't get any money, but there'll be plenty of glory to pass around for everyone who helps to make Finncon X - Eurocon 2003 the European sf-event of 2003!

Stuff that agents are made of

Here you'll find files that might be usefull for any and all agents of Finncon X - Eurocon 2003.


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